
5.3% abv

Kuebelbier is brewed according to the historic beer style: Zwickelbier. Zwickelbier comes from the Franconia region in Germany and dates back beyond the Middle Ages. The name “Zwickelbier” stems from the sampling mug (“Zwickel” in German) mounted at the outside of the tank for assessing the brew’s progress during fermentation. The Zwickelbier style is an unfiltered lager beer (Bottom-fermenting) that traditionally is served as soon as fermentation is complete. The beer pours a cloudy orange-yellowish color with a nice white head. The unique attributes of the style come through on the palate as the flavors imparted by the yeast compliment the hop character and carbonation in the beer to create a uniquely robust yet refreshing beer.

All Pilsners and Pale Lagers
