Brasserie de Silly

Brasserie de Silly is found in Silly, a very small farmer’s village that got its name from the little stream, the Sille, flowing through the center of the village. You can find it along the highway between Brussels and Lille (France) on about 25 miles South-West of Brussels. When the World War I started, the brewer painted the copper tuns to hide them from the Germans, who could use this material in their war machine. But, after a while and some negotiations, the brewery was chosen by the Germans to remain the only brewery of the area during the war. This explains the disappearance of the other breweries in the village. In 1973 the brewery changes it name into “Brasserie de Silly,” but keeps the logo of St. Michael, the angel who fights dragons. This Saint has his statue in the Church of Silly, and is also depicted on top of the Brussels City-hall. You do not find the picture of the Saint on the cap of the bottle, but the picture of a land worker.
