Beer is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and its variety is astounding. And while taste is a subjective concept, Belgian scientists have attempted to use artificial intelligence to predict consumers’ beer preferences. Their research opens new horizons in the brewing industry, making it possible to improve recipes and create varieties ideal for lovers of this drink. 

AI at the service of brewers 

Researchers from Belgium have trained an artificial intelligence (AI) model to predict the flavour of beer based on its chemical composition. Using this model, they were able to improve existing beer recipes by adding certain flavours predicted by the AI to improve their quality.

The study found that the modified beer scored higher than the original in blind tastings. Test participants noted that beers with certain flavours added significantly improved overall scores, emphasizing increased ester flavour intensity, sweetness, alcohol, and fullness.

This approach was also applied to non-alcoholic beer tasters who rated the improved non-alcoholic beer sample highly, showing the promise of using artificial intelligence to improve the flavour profile of this beverage. Overall, the study shows the potential of AI to innovatively improve the flavour of beer, as well as the possibility of its application in other areas of the brewing industry.

AI and flavour programming 

Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used for various predictions. Customers of 1xBet, Mostbet, and other bookmakers are even trying to use it to predict the outcomes of sports matches. And some even use AI to predict events in people’s lives.

However, it doesn’t matter whether you got a 1xBet promo code and want to use AI to predict sports bets or whether you use artificial intelligence in serious research. The main thing is that the tools should be really effective and provide reliable information. And only the latest technologies are capable of this, which is what made them so popular.

Predicting the taste and evaluation of food products based on their chemical properties is a complex and multifaceted task emphasized by researchers. The main difficulty here is the huge number of chemicals whose interactions affect the flavour of foods. Moreover, human tastes are influenced by other factors such as genetics, environment, cultural characteristics and consumer psychology.

In order to deal with these complexities and get more accurate predictions, the researchers resorted to the use of huge data sets that can only be analyzed using machine learning models. As a result of this approach, the scientists were able to create an artificial intelligence model that relies on sophisticated machine learning to predict consumers’ taste preferences and suggest ways to improve the quality of food products, including beer.

The challenge for the future 

The taste of beer is the result of a complex interaction of a variety of flavour compounds, making it impossible to predict how good a beer will be just by measuring one or more of these compounds. Consequently, scientists at the Belgian institute are conducting research with the goal of creating the perfect non-alcoholic beer, a significant technical and creative challenge.

The scientists report that using their own artificial intelligence model, they have already made significant progress in creating a non-alcoholic beer. They have developed a cocktail of natural flavour compounds that perfectly mimic the taste and aroma of alcohol while minimizing the risk of hangovers. This cocktail will help create a non-alcoholic beer that is similar in taste and odour to regular alcoholic beer.

In addition, the scientists say their findings have the potential to be extended to other food products, which could lead to a revolution in the production of new products. This opens up new prospects for applying artificial intelligence and machine learning models to the food industry, which could lead to changes in how food products are created and improved.